Welcome to the IGNITE #loveinschools movement! We are taking our profession and lives back! Your career in education and your life are about to be transformed!
Since 2015, IGNITE #loveinschools has been helping thousands of educators achieve greater work/life harmony and pour passion into their school cultures! When we first started, I hoped and dreamed we would have this kind of impact so it is humbling and exciting to know the best is still yet to come!
This Thursday the first IGNITE #loveinschools school Nicholasville Elementary School will be featured at the Kentucky Association of School Administrators Conference Leadership Luncheon at 12:30! N.E.S. was a school that had high teacher turnover and intense behavior needs. After embarking on the IGNITE #loveinschools school transformation journey, they office referrals and suspensions have dropped significantly and they are entering their second year with no school turnover! The love that permeates throughout their school in classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, playground to and from their families is palpable! I am so excited to begin sharing some of their story!
After KASA’s leadership luncheon, I have the privilege of facilitating an IGNITE #loveinschools breakout professional learning for school leaders. What an honor! Back in 2015 when I began using the word “love” in my school staff developments, school assemblies, conference breakouts, and district professional learning experiences, the reactions I received from educators was almost like Ben Stiller saying, “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb” on an airplane in the movie Meet the Parents. People’s words and reactions expressed, “We can’t say ‘love’ in schools, can we?” Yes, we can I assured them! Most importantly we can and should be loving our students, colleagues, and families with unconditional love, unconditional respect, and complete acceptance! And the movement began and today keeps gaining speed and momentum with everyone who experiences an IGNITE #loveinschools professional learning! This week’s KASA Conference theme is “LOVE, LEARN, LEAD”. How awesome is that!
If you cannot be at our KASA breakout session, you might be able to catch an ILIS breakout session at the July 31 Kentucky Alternative Education Summit presented by KECSAC and DJJ Title 1 in Lexington, Kentucky.
Please also encourage your school counselors to attend the Kentucky Association of School Counselors Conference in September and ask them to choose the special IGNITE #loveinschools post-conference session that KASA is offering on Friday, September 13 from 1:00 – 3:00 P.M.
Stay tuned for my next update when I discuss the tremendous honor and opportunity to be the Keynote Speaker for the Marshall County Schools all-staff Opening Day kickoff on August 7!
Contact Joel today to book him for your school.