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Join us for our daytime version of National Virtual ParentCamp – Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 12pm ET/9am PT.

Some schools may already have finished for the summer break, while others are almost nearing the end of school. As you get ready for summer vacations and the crazy weather, join this daytime version as you soak up the sun. I am getting ready for days at the beach, by the pool, and all the extra Vitamin D. Share your plans in Mighty Networks and let me know what you have planned.

As you know, we use Mighty Networks to safely connect with our parents and community. This space is for you to use to connect and share with our community nationwide and globally.

All RSVP’ing for Virtual ParentCamps will take place on Mighty Networks, where you will find the Zoom link to join. We hope you are enjoying it as much as we are!

If you haven’t yet joined, please see the introductory video below:

Register for National Virtual ParentCamp

You will need to create an account on Mighty Networks the first time you register for an event. You should be good to go after that. Register at : You may also want to join the National Virtual ParentCamp space in Mighty Networks to stay connected to those you have met to keep conversations going.
Image of Joel and his topic at National Virtual ParentCamp

Talk About Health, Baby! Let’s Talk About You and Me!

Facilitator – Joel Katte – Staff developer/Speaker IGNITE #loveinschools

Each of us is responsible for our health and happiness, and we must rise to the occasion of being good role models to our children.

Educator/Author/Speaker Joel Katte will facilitate a discussion that leads to an action plan for participants to improve their and their families‘ health and mental health.

Join us to embark on this simple, encouraging guide to a few new habits and choices that will help participants crush their summer goals and start the 2024-2025 rested and ready for the challenges ahead.

Joel is an experienced secondary English teacher, elementary school principal, and district administrator over alternative schools. Throughout his career, he has served students of all ages in both urban and rural settings. He has served the most at-promise students as well as the most gifted. He teaches at the Success Academy, a dropout reengagement program in Lexington, Kentucky.

Joel has been a staff developer/speaker since 2013. His professional learning experience IGNITE #loveinschools has been positively transforming school cultures since 2015! For years, people felt that relationships were important but not urgent. Joel contends today, relationships are urgent. His professional developments help educators achieve work life balance and also help maximize staff relationships and moments with students, colleagues, families, and community members. The positive energy that emerges from IGNITE #loveinschools is instantly catapulting school cultures to greater levels!

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