I am excited to announce that I was invited to come back as a Design Team member of and facilitator for the Kentucky Association of School Administrators KELA (Kentucky Executive Leadership Academy) Aspiring Principal Program again this 2024-2025 school year! I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to share IGNITE #loveinschools professional learning experiences to support school leaders eager to commit themselves to the work and mission of being a lead principal.
Being an elementary school principal for nine years was some of the most challenging and rewarding work of my career. It is so important for school districts to equip their principals with tools, inspiration, mentors, and diverse learning opportunities. I think perhaps the single most important thing principals can do is build a network of principals whom they trust and can turn to when they need encouragement, advice, or just simply need a space to be human and not superhuman with someone who fully understands exactly what they are going through. KASA’s KELA Aspiring Principal Program creates this network and then some.
Invest in one of your greatest investments, your future principals here:
Registration link: https://server.kasa.org/kasa/Web/Leadership_Development/KELA/KELA_Homepage.aspx