Tailored Keynotes and Leadership Experiences for Your Team’s Success
Connect with Joel to explore how an Opening Day Keynote, Conference Keynote, staff or leadership retreat, or professional learning experience (ranging from two to six hours) can be tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. You can fill out our contact form or call Joel at 859-967-8510 for more details.
Each of the options listed below can stand alone or be combined to create a customized experience designed to align with the goals of schools, districts, or conferences.
Every session booked with Joel includes complimentary pre- and post-consultation via phone or video to ensure the experience is impactful and aligned with your objectives.
Own Your Energy
You are responsible for the energy you bring to every space you are in. Knowing that and owning that is critical to becoming the best educator you can be.
Joel will share tools for improving communication, daily interactions, and ways to bring a more positive solution-focused approach to obstacles (opportunities).
Improving school culture begins and ends with this session.
Everyone I Know Has a Big Ask!
Educators, why are you playing small? Dream big and advocate for yourself and your students.
We aim to teach our students how to advocate for themselves, yet we often fail to model the importance of communicating clearly and asking for what we want and need to be successful at school and in our own lives.
Through bold visioning, project based learning, community service and partnerships, you and your students can build the kind of teaching and learning classroom experience movies are made of!
All Means All!
How you teach and treat the students who challenge you the most, opens (or slams) doors that can positively (or negatively) impact lives for generations to come!
Joel will share powerful stories, ask participants to take part in deep reflections, and equip them with new simple yet profound strategies that will ensure the best of each staff member is present every day to reach, support and inspire the most challenging students.
The Most Important Relationship is the One You Have with Yourself!
Before you can fully love and lead others, you must fully love and lead yourself.
Love your neighbor as yourself. Unfortunately, many people are not loving themselves as well as they should be, so even if we live up to that standard, it is still not good enough!
Joel’s inspiration, tools, and calls to action will leave participants committing to and investing in themselves to become the best versions of themselves at work and home.
Transformational Teaching and Leading Happens Best With Dream Chasing and Dream Enabling School and District Cultures!
Staff members’ focus, determination and work ethic explodes when their passions and dreams find their way into their work days. When people’s personal missions and visions find common ground with their school and districts’ missions and visions, their productivity, positivity, and job-satisfaction soars!
Attracting and Retaining Great Staff is Easier Than You Think! (Leadership)
It has been said people do not quit their jobs; rather, they quit their bosses.
After salary and benefits, the next most important element for attracting and retaining quality staff members is school culture.
Discover simple strategies and steps, leaders use to create trusting, supportive, and rewarding work environments people would never leave.
Empower each staff member with simple commitments to do his/her/their part in making and protecting the kind of school culture everyone deserves and no one would ever want to leave.
Igniting Passion and Purpose!
Since 2015, Joel has been creating IGNITE #loveinschools professional learning experiences with the mission of igniting more passion and purpose. In this experience, Joel shares the best of this work that sets educators’ souls on fire and ensures they work and live with more passion, purpose and fulfillment than ever before!
How to Reclaim the Teaching Profession While Also Reclaiming Your Craft and Life!
Many educators have lost sight that they have more responsibility, power and control than they realize in their day-to-day work lives, and Joel guides participants to take responsibility for designing the school and classroom culture that meets their needs and utilizes their strengths, skills, and interests.
Teaching and learning with more joy, creativity, and carefree timelessness is what educators and their students are desperately needing, and with just a couple of paradigm shifts and a few lesson planning tweaks, it is easily achievable.
Educators who love their jobs never have to work another day of their lives.
Relationships, Relationships, Relationships!
So often we say relationships are key, but what evidence do you have of committing time and resources to developing caring, trusting, and affirming relationships?
Most people treat relationships like they are important but not urgent. Discover the power of your role when your school and district prioritizes time and resources to building, maintaining, and enhancing relationships with students, colleagues, family members and community members.
Once and For All, Say Goodbye to Stagnant Silos and Say YES! To a Cadence of Collegiality That catapults School Cultures Forward!
There is a rhythm to our lives and work, but the rhythm to teamwork is one of the most unrecognized and neglected power tools in schools?
Did you know that one ox can pull 800 pounds while two oxen after a little chafing and training can pull 2400 pounds together? This professional learning experience is the chafing and training staff need to pull more weight together allowing them to work more efficiently and effectively.
Leaving A Legacy of Love: Getting Stuck in the Heads, Hearts and Spirits of Those You Serve
Most educators aim to make the biggest possible difference they can, but somewhere along the lines, their greatest asset (their essence) wanes and life-changing moments and opportunities are missed.
Since 2015, IGNITE #loveinschools professional learning experiences have strategically worked to increase the chances of these life-altering connections to blossom. Educators will learn how to have more of the best of themselves shine through while also discovering ways to encourage and equip their students to be more open to receiving the attention, acceptance, and affirmations they need to overcome obstacles and thrive.
Be More You!
What if everyone’s supervisor said, “I just need you to be you. In fact, I need you to be more you.” What would that feel like, look like, and what kind of impact could you have in that kind of environment?
Joel will share excerpts from his children’s story Finding You at the Zoo that was written for all ages while also using humor, inspiration and discussion to guide participants on a powerful journey of self-reflection, discovery, and affirmation that will catapult them forward to live the lives they know deep down they were destined to live!
Work Life Balance Versus WorK Life Harmony
Did you know the rhythm of your life can walk itself right into the rhythm of your work and then that rhythm of your work can dance itself right back out into the rhythm of your life and world?
You are more than your job and you and your students need you to be more than your job. You are an educator AND! Explore the power of this AND! and discover this renewable energy that is inside of us all.
Ignite the Artist Way!
We have swung far to the science of teaching and lost touch with the art and heart of teaching? What’s your art? Discover how infusing more of your curious, creative, eclectic and artistic sides can create the kind of teaching and learning environment no student would ever want to miss.
Leaders, do you want to discover how to improve staff and student attendance and engagement? Well, look no further because igniting the artist way is it!